Eliza Tamar’s latest pop single, “We Can’t Be Friends,” takes audiences on a captivating and liberating voyage through the complexities of love and letting go. With...
Brooklyn-based Electro-R&B duo Tropic has once again unleashed their musical prowess with their latest single, “Boy.” As they gear up to release their upcoming EP, Tropic...
Amen Sioux, the rising star of indie electronica, lo-fi dream pop, alt R&B, and psychedelia, delivers another mesmerizing musical gem with his latest single, “Drunk in...
Comett’s latest classic Pop-Rock single, “Alone,” is a mesmerizing musical voyage that delves deep into themes of self-reflection and resilience. With his distinctive voice and heartfelt...
Kristopher Houck’s latest single, “Swear to God,” is a heartfelt and emotionally charged folk-soul masterpiece that delves deep into the complexities of abusive relationships and the...
Andre Pedone’s rendition of Bruce Springsteen’s iconic hit, “Dancing in the Dark,” is a captivating masterpiece that effortlessly blends classic Folk elements with his raw, emotional...
Antone Proler has recently released a new classic folk single with jazz sensibilities called “I’ve Got The Keys To Heaven.” The song combines timeless melodies with...
James Baby’s latest acoustic folk single, “Little Spoon,” is a heartfelt testament to the artist’s evolving musical prowess. This captivating track showcases the New York City-based...
Adrielle Bow Belle, the talented singer/songwriter hailing from Spanish Harlem, once again proves her artistic prowess with her latest classic Pop-Soul single, “Breaking News (Soul Food).”...
Michael Barrow & The Tourists have once again graced us with their signature blend of classic pop and soul in their latest single, “One Track Mind.”...