“Lifetime,” the long-awaited debut EP of Philadelphia-based singer-songwriter Hannah Johnson, firmly establishes an irresistible blend of soulful richness with retro pop vibes and heartfelt storytelling. Recorded...
Luanne Hunt’s “Ghosts of a Simpler Time” is a heartfelt ode to nostalgia, weaving a longing for the past with reflections on the present. In an...
Zach McKenzie’s latest single, “The Day That I Found You,” is a heartwarming and soulful ballad that blends country, soul, and gospel into a beautifully crafted...
The rock quintet Plastic Heart, originating from Greater Manchester, has recently revealed their latest single, “Tension,” which exemplifies an astute proficiency to create a masterclass building...
Pianist and composer Sharon Ruchman has released a new single, “A Bit of Sunshine,” from her album Moonlit Alley. The music is known for its soothing...
Slo/Tide’s new song, “Rather Be Blind,” is an emotional track that dives into some intense feelings. The lead singer, gets personal with this one. The song...
The new song “Stars” by FromScratch has a great pop and electronic music mix that will make you feel perfect. The song has a catchy beat...
Hank Biscuits has just released a new single called “Mall Sword (The Tragic Story of Karen and Chris). ” It’s a wild love story with a...
Galloway has returned strongly with their latest single, “Attention,” a powerful anthem from their newly released EP. The Band is known for their captivating indie pop-rock...
S.J. Armstrong’s new song, “Over Here Over There,” is unique. It’s the main song on his latest album, and it’s all about his journey as a...