Produced, mixed, and mastered by Electric Rabbit Studios, Plasma Chasms’ masterfully crafted latest single, “Interstellar Baby,” is an auditory odyssey that flawlessly blends the timeless charm...
The music video for “Issues,” presents a sonic retrospection by Child of SP, the first trailblazing Brazilian artist from São Paulo to make waves by singing...
When “Red Flag” by MARKJOSEPH first hits, listeners are immediately swept into an uplifting anthem that evokes the liberating joy of breaking free from toxic relationships....
As TASH HILLS sings, audiences can almost feel the weight of her words, dripping with emotion and sincerity in her latest single, “Never Have I,” produced...
DPB’s latest single, “I Feel So Good Today (Happy Mix),” is a vibrant testament to his unwavering commitment to positivity and anti-bullying advocacy. The track, imbued...
“VENUS,” the latest release by Leonie Sherif, is a rich representation of a harmonious fusion of auditory and aromatic elements. This innovative symphony transports listeners to...
Patrick Doval has re-released his single “Endless Heartbreak,” a poignant ode to the pain of unrequited love, blending nostalgic heartache with fresh, dynamic percussion. Initially unveiled...
This enthralling single, “Reasons I Can’t Sleep,” by Natalie Claro, is a masterful display of cinematic sonic artistry that resonates with anyone who has ever felt...
When the pain of saying goodbye lingers, sometimes music is the best way to express those feelings. JONNY GEMS does just that with his latest single,...
Alessia De Gasperis, a singer born in Toronto and now based in Los Angeles, has released a new single, “Evil Eye.” The song is an alternative-pop...