Joe Lington, the eclectic artist who has captured hearts worldwide, released his mesmerizing EP, “WTPA,” offering an exclusive glimpse into his upcoming multilingual album, “Pinkeen,” scheduled...
Singer and producer hyyypnos, hailed for his ability to transcend musical boundaries, has dropped a new hit single, “Tattoo,” featuring the dynamic and daring rapper 812Dummi....
FRANK BRAMBLE, the indie-rock virtuoso from Birmingham, UK, has unleashed an electrifying musical tempest with his latest release, “Empty Thoughts,” featuring the sensational Hanwell. This enchanting...
KAYLA OH, the talented indie-pop sensation hailing from New York, NY, has graciously emerged with her debut single, “See Through,” released on October 6, 2023; it’s...
In the ever-evolving tapestry of the music industry, a new luminary has emerged whose journey is as inspiring as it is multifaceted. Alison Richardson, known by...
Claire Brooks. Her forthcoming EP, “The Human Experience,” is set to premiere this October 2023, promising an immersive and evocative musical experience like no other. Claire...
SWIIMS, the indie Rock-Pop ensemble hailing from the vibrant musical landscape of Toronto, Canada, has unveiled a sonic anthem that speaks directly to the heart and...
Jack Foz, the indie-rock virtuoso hailing from the heart of London, has electrified the musical landscape with his latest creation, “Call,” a dynamic single that packs...
KIM MCCLAY, the New York City-based indie pop sensation, has dropped a generic tune with a breath of fresh air in their latest pop single, “Comin’...
Clare Easdown, an indie pop artist from Menai, Sydney, Australia, has made a mark on the music scene with her debut single, “Scopolamine.” The track is...