Angeline Saris, the multi-talented Californian artist, has unveiled a musical gem with her latest single, “Come Undone,” featuring the talents of Naté the Soulsanger and Sanara...
16-year-old prodigy Upamanyu Mukherjee reveals his groundbreaking debut album, “Negotiating Oxytocin.” In a world hungry for fresh perspectives, this album is a mesmerizing blend of Alternative...
CORM!! has released an EP featuring a fusion of Country and EDM. The EP includes collaborations with Colt Ford, Ty Herndon, and Boomtown Saints, resulting in...
Zer0 Tolerance, an Electronic/Hip-Hop/R&B artist, releases a highly anticipated debut EP, “BETA,” featuring sonic innovation and heartache redemption, set to captivate listeners worldwide. BETA, the brainchild...
In an industry brimming with diverse talents, LUKX emerges as a unique gem, crafting his musical journey alongside his father. Their latest single, “Curiosity,” is a...
In a musical landscape often dominated by electronic beats and auto-tuned vocals, TASH HILLS’ latest single, “Burnin’ Love,” is a refreshing throwback to the golden era...
In his latest folk-rock single, “You & Me,” Canadian artist Cooper Chasse rekindles the embers of memories past while unveiling a vibrant departure from his signature...
Joogi, a talented artist from Malaysia, has just released his latest R&B masterpiece titled “TIMELINE.” Featuring a collaboration with YELLOO, this emotionally charged single delves into the transience of relationships. With...
In a musical landscape teeming with generic pop, Grace & Moji emerge as a refreshing breeze with their latest indie-pop single, “Monster.” This Los Angeles-based husband-wife...
The most current musical composition by TaniA Kyllikki, entitled “In These Eyes,” has been released, featuring a collaboration with Rynellton. The present piece adeptly demonstrates Kyllikki’s unique artistic methodology, marked by...