In the enchanting realm of musical artistry, a singular composition entitled “One Last Dance,” crafted by the prodigy Yuki Shundo, stands poised to captivate the heart...
Meet Emika Love, a 19-year-old rising music artist from Sacramento, California. Emika’s unique sound and style are heavily influenced by her love for visuals and storytelling....
In the midst of the catastrophe that was the Summer of 2021, Recess Villains was formed. The Los-Angeles based hip hop group consists of “goth-pop” artist...
Among many other Upcoming artists, these artists have taken time, and self-belief to touch stardom. Let’s admit it! There is so much going in the music...
Today, we had the opportunity to interview Jeremiah Stokes, a multi-genre, hip-hop centrist based in Indianapolis, IN. Stokes is pound for pound a true hip-hop heavyweight...
Gaël Zaks was born in June 29th, 1985 and is a French-American actor and director. He studies at the prestigious “Lee Strasberg Theater Institute” in New...
Kevin Benjamin, also known as DJ KB is one of the youngest celebrity tour disk jockeys to date. Growing up in a small town like Kearny,...
A rapper is someone that knows how to deliver a good narrative and knows how to evoke emotions in an audience through songs. Amaru Son is...
Meet The Greatest Rapper In The World, D’NME Rapper and Songwriter. The self-proclaimed “face of the rap game” and “greatest rapper in the world” is...