Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter Anna Thoresen’s latest single, “LONELY,” intricately explores emotional vulnerability and resilience. This sonic revelation proves that we can sometimes find the truest versions...
Santa Cecilie, an accomplished Norwegian artist from Bergen, has recently launched her latest five-track EP, “Home My Universe,” representing a significant progression in her artistic evolution...
Hit play to briefly escape the world with “Don’t Wanna Go,” an innovative work by emerging artist Vishwa Ganesh. Based in Dubai, this dynamic vocalist embarks...
“Pretty Ugly,” the inaugural single by Archer Stevens, represents a compelling homage to the golden age of 70s rock music with a fresh coat of modern...
At the age of 18, Khynan Rhy, a solo musician and multi-instrumentalist from Northwich, Cheshire, demonstrates exceptional maturity in his songwriting capabilities, indicating a wisdom that...
Mixed and Mastered by John Norten, “Dandelion,” one of Cali Tucker’s first singles, experienced an enormous resurgence on Spotify after the success of her two notable singles...
“Promise Me,” a composition by Cat Cork, is a heartwarming invitation to engage with themes of commitment where nostalgia meets optimism. Originating from the tranquil shores...
Delivering a rich tapestry of emotion and artistry, Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter and producer Louise Goffin takes listeners on a profound sonic journey with her latest EP,...
Recognized for her emotive pop prowess, Kelsie Kimberlin starts 2025 with a soulful masterstroke, delving deep into themes of resilience and rebirth in her evocative new...
Twice Dark is a musical project founded by Josh Kreuzman, an artist based in Bloomington, Indiana. His latest single, “Time Traveller,” is a thematic reflection on...