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Artist Spotlight

Exclusive Interview With Phillex Stewart – Next Rated Artist

Phillex Stewart is an American artist, and songwriter you need to keep an eye on. We had a chance to interview Phillex Stewart to talk about his career path, and journey in the music industry.

If you aren’t familiar with Phillex Stewart Read more:


Questions and Answers:


  1. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?


Phillex Stewart: I’ve wanted to pursue music for some time now, but I really started taking it seriously last year during Quarantine. I kept praying and asking God what my purpose was. One day I prayed and asked if I should put my energy into pursuing music. Literally not even 5 minutes later I got a text from someone I knew from high school but hadn’t talked to in years. He told me he really messed with my music and to never stop because I’m gonna go far. I took that as a sign to put my all into music and I haven’t looked back since.




  1. Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started this career?


Phillex Stewart: I haven’t had anything too crazy happen to me yet but I do find it interesting how easily you can connect with a total stranger just by them hearing your song. At least twice a week I get a dm from someone I don’t know saying they really like my stuff. I’m always very appreciative of feedback so I always text back and end up having nice conversations.



  1. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?


Phillex Stewart: I’ve made many mistakes but none of them I would consider funny. The closest thing I can think of is when I dropped my first song. I paid for Instagram ads thinking I would get a whole lot of views and streams, spoiler alert, I barely got anything and I was so confused. What I learned from that is that, if you want to boost your views, you have to make a release plan and you can’t just put a little bit money into a song and expect it to take off.



  1. What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?


Phillex Stewart: One of my most interesting projects I’m working on is a show I made called “Pretty Girls Listen”. Basically I got a bunch of pretty girls together, played one of my songs, and recorded their reactions to it as well as their thoughts about the song. Episode 1 is out now on my YouTube channel @PhillexStewart, check it out!




  1. Who are some of the most interesting people you have interacted with? What was that like? Do you have any stories?


Phillex Stewart: I’ve met so many interesting people on my journey I couldn’t possibly name them all, but to name a few, there’s my boy Shawn Senat and my boy Bishop aka Rokkai. Bishop taught me a lot about how the underground music scene works and he really looked out for me and continues to do so. My boy Shawn is just an incredible and inspiring musician who has opened my mind to trying new things with my music.




  1. Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”?


Phillex Stewart: I’d say, if you’re trying to pursue music as a career and not a hobby, make sure you put a lot of energy into the business and marketing side of music. It sucks but no matter how good your music is, you won’t get far if no one hears it. In regards to burning out, just make sure you take a break when you need it and don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re struggling to make your next song. Sometimes you have to grow as a person before you can pick up the pen and pad again.




  1. You have been blessed with success in a career path that can be challenging. Do you have any words of advice for others who may want to embark on this career path, but seem daunted by the prospect of failure?


Phillex Stewart: You have to embrace failure. If you haven’t failed, you haven’t done enough. My advice is to revel in the small victories because if you truly understand what you have accomplished, it makes failure less of a hindrance and more of a stepping stone.




  1. Can you share with our readers any self care routines, practices or treatments that you do to help your body, mind or heart to thrive? Kindly share a story or an example for each.


Phillex Stewart: I try to workout everyday. Although I dread working out, it’s such a good thing to do and my day doesn’t feel complete without it. It not only strengthens the body but the mind as well and it serves as a reminder that you have to do things you don’t like if you really want to improve yourself.




  1. What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each.


Phillex Stewart:



1) There are so many people who are out to scam you!

– I’ve been scammed too many times to count. Make sure you ask a lot of questions and does your research before you pay for something. If someone is guaranteeing you a certain number of streams, its a scam.





2) Learn the business!

-Music is so easy to make now so the market is over saturated. If you want to stand out, you have to put in the work to understand how to market yourself and build a brand.



3) Focus on singles, not mixtapes!


-When people don’t know who you are, it’s way easier to get them to listen to a single than it is to get them to listen to your whole mixtape.



4) Don’t just drop songs, create a personalized release strategy!

-People are more willing to check out your song if they’ve been seeing you creatively market it prior to its release. Put in the extra effort to make people excited for when you drop music and you will see a big difference.



5) Understand that everyone won’t like your stuff, and that’s okay!


-Everyone likes different stuff and while the goal is to make music that most people will like, understand that you can’t please everyone and what makes one person dislike your song could be the same thing that makes another person like it.




  1. Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?


Phillex Stewart: “There’s more than one way to skin a cat”. I probably say this to myself every day. When things aren’t working out in my life, I always remind myself that there are multiple ways to do something. So if what I’m doing isn’t working, I need to change my perspective on it in order to create a new solution.




  1. None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?


Phillex Stewart: There are a few people who, without them, I wouldn’t have made it this far without my family who always support me, and my best friends Nia Luke and Byron (Martez) Barkley, who believed in me since day 1. But the person who pushes me the most is my best friend and producer, PJ. If I hadn’t met him, I would’ve stopped making music a long time ago. He’s an amazing musician and we always challenge each other to become better, not settling for anything less.




  1. You are a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amounts of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂


Phillex Stewart: If people would just listen I feel like a lot of problems would be solved. Most people are just trying to get their own point across and instead of listening; they’re just waiting for the other person to finish talking. My movement would be all about getting people to truly try understand others and not dismissing them just because of a difference in opinion.



  1. We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might see this. 🙂


Phillex Stewart: I would love to have lunch with Pharrell. I love his music and I value his longevity. I would love to hear what he thinks about my music and get his input on it.



14 How can our readers follow you online?


Phillex Stewart: Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @Phillex_stewart

Subscribe to my YouTube channel, Phillex Stewart


And add me on snap @phillex9



Michael Odu is the founder of Goshenvilla Limited and official Interviewer of Honk Magazine. He shares stories of inspiring entrepreneurs from all around the world and tips to create a better life & business.


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Artist Spotlight

V of 40M unpacks revolutionary vibes with his new single, “The Score”

V of 40M

The Score” is the newest single by V of 40M, a renowned artist from the United States, released under the Forty Million Strong (40M) label. This musical piece can be regarded as a sonic manifesto for those who feel disconnected, disillusioned, and rebellious. Through this song, V captures the intricacies of the struggle and channels them into a musical insurgency.

Collaborating with the visionary producer LABACK, V creates a sonic battleground that vibrates with urgency and purpose, where the revolutionary spirit is set to challenge the status quo. With the participation of fellow 40M luminaries, 40M Tye and Hippie G, the chorus of resistance in “The Score” becomes more than a mere musical piece; it is a movement encapsulated in melody.


Drawing inspiration from The Fugees and their timeless legendary, V of 40M infuses his signature revolutionary fervor into every verse. With razor-sharp lyricism and a cadence demanding attention, he paints a portrait of defiance against oppression and a call to arms for those seeking liberation, to be heard and felt.


V’s artistry extends beyond music, encompassing the ethos of the Black Independence people’s movement known as Forty Million Strong (40M). This movement advocates for sovereign land and autonomous rule, and each lyric and every beat in V’s work champions this quest. The message resonates far beyond the walls of the recording studio, making “The Score” a sonic beacon of authenticity.

The song’s distinguishing features are its unapologetic conviction and captivating rhythm, which assertively remind listeners that the struggle for freedom is far from over. Its inclusion in playlists is justifiable, given its significance as a touchstone for a generation seeking their voice. So join the revolution and turn up the volume.



For more information about V of 40M, please visit [website]. 
CLICK HERE TO STREAM V of 40M’s The Score on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH V of 40M | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook |

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Artist Spotlight

Jeff Lake illuminates the melodic soul of nightlife with “Midnight Sun”

Jeff Lake

Jeff Lake’s latest single, “Midnight Sun,” is a masterful blend of diverse musical influences interweaving to create a timeless and refreshing sound. The song features a rhythmic, rap-infused vocal hook that draws inspiration from 80s rock anthems, paying homage to the legendary Led Zeppelin’s Immigrant Song,” while adding a unique touch.

The lyrics of “Midnight Sun” delve into universal themes of detachment, displacement, and the struggles artists face in navigating a rapidly changing world. Lake’s introspective lyrics resonate deeply, touching on the raw emotions of depression and the quest for belonging.


Jeff is an accomplished songwriter and performer with a rich backstory that adds depth to his musical prowess. The song “Midnight Sun” has gained popularity as a universal anthem with its captivating and melodious tune. Jeff has had the privilege of sharing the stage with esteemed members of bands such as Styx and Trans Siberian Orchestra. Jeff’s love for music has driven him to perfect his skills in the vibrant music scene of Brooklyn. He inspires budding musicians with his unwavering commitment to his art. Jeff performed his first professional gig at 17 and subsequently pursued music as a full-time career, demonstrating his determination and resilience.


Midnight Sun” represents a sonic exploration of Lake’s unequivocal passion for music and his remarkable ability to encapsulate complex emotions within a melodic embrace. The song’s infectious energy and thought-provoking lyrics establish it as a true masterpiece that merits attention from even the most discerning music enthusiasts who appreciate music’s artistry and innovation.

Midnight Sun” by Jeff Lake shines bright, dispelling the darkness and illuminating the listener’s soul with its radiant melody. Its enchanting vibes transcends boundaries and inspires one to dance, inviting the audience to revel in its boundless creativity.



For more information about Jeff Lake, please visit [website]. 
CLICK HERE TO STREAM Jeff Lake’s Midnight Sun on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH Jeff Lake | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook |

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