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Artist Spotlight

An Intuitive Conversation with Love Power the Band’s Ananda Xenia Shakti

Ananda, congratulations on the release of “Songs From Source”! Can you tell us about the inspiration behind this twin release and what listeners can expect from the two tracks, “Are You Looking For Me” and “Hare Hare Dance”?

Hey, thanks so much it’s been really a total labour of love, every project is every song feels like you’re birthing another piece of your heart, but this one especially feels that way to me. The songs are  inspirational life-affirming tracks that are EDM style, and that something really new for our band, but it just came naturally with the songs


We understand that “Are You Looking For Me” draws inspiration from the 15th-century Indian mystic poet Kabir Das. How did Kabir’s poem influence the creation of this track, and what elements did you incorporate to capture its essence?

Are you looking for me? Is the name of one of Kabir‘s most famous poems and and in essence what he’s talking about is our confused seeking for divinity when in reality, it lives right inside you it is the person who’s sitting next to you You  can never be separated from it.


I used a number of lines from his poem for the lyrics of the song and then I heard some new ones that I dared to add. I feel like he would be really happy that I did that. Because he was all about breaking form and bringing in what’s  fresh and new. He lived in India at a time when tradition was basically the whole experience of life, and he broke it over and over again, because he saw a different truth.

“Hare Hare Dance” is described as an adaptation of an ancient Krishna chant into a modern dance song. Can you share more about the process of transforming this traditional chant into a contemporary musical experience?


When I’m living in India, I live in a city called Vrindavan. It was the home of Krishna and his consort Radha when they were embodied and it is the home of  Bhakti yoga, the path of devotion. In the path of devotion, as  our acts of prayer and meditation we sing and dance. Mostly we  sing what most people call the Hare Krishna  mantra. Its constantly going through your mind because you’re hearing people chanting it and singing it everywhere you go.

You recorded “Hare Hare Dance” in Vrindavan, India, during Krishna’s birthday celebration. How did the atmosphere and energy of the city during this time influence the recording process, and what was it like to capture that magic in the studio?


Krishna’s birthday in  Vrindavan is a massive celebration and this past year it actually fell on my birthday, which I happen to be alone in India for. To celebrate I was singing  and dancing in a traditional way, then  I started to hear some beautiful tunes coming through,  then the vision laying them down  on top of dance beats activated. I got so excited about what I was hearing that I contacted the engineer that I usually record with and asked him if he j happen to be free and he said to come right over When I told him it was my birthday too, he was so excited, in  India birthdays are really special. So  there we were Krishna‘s birthday and my birthday,  I told him what I was hearing and we started to create it was pure magic. It over flowed  with love and it was the easiest track we have recorded together

As the lead vocalist and primary composer for Love Power the Band, how do you approach songwriting and composition to create music that embodies the band’s message of love, joy, and gratitude?


The music that I write, for the band is inspired by the Intuitive Readings, and the Angelic  Realm guidance that I receive for people in their healing journeys. I hear certain pieces of wisdom being shared from the subtle realms, and they start to turn into songs.

It happens out of pure love, an inspiration. It’s never a sit down effort. The songs  birth out of joy, and hopefully they inspire joy and others!


Your background includes a successful career in the punk scene, touring with bands like the Clash and singing with Blondie. How has your journey from the punk scene to Bhakti yoga influenced your musical style and approach to performance?


Having been a performer in the height of the punk world, with world famous acts I was used to performing in large venues to a lot of people. I was used to performing in ways that were really high energy and innovative and I was used to the music creating a very dynamic vibe with the audience. I was also used to what I consider to be the unfortunate dynamics of fame, and the separation that it creates out of idealization.

Love Power The Band concerts are described as unique happenings where the audience becomes part of the interactive music experience. How do you create this sense of oneness and connection between the performers and the audience during your live shows?


So with Love Power I wanted to do some thing different. I wanted us to be high energy, but I wanted to include the audience as a true part of the music because what I’ve come to understand since those Punk  days is that we are the music. Therefore separation between audience and performer  is adding to the disempowering pain  of separation , which does not awaken new consciousness. To me a musicians obligation at this time in the world is not to merely entertain it’s to awaken the music within those that come to share that sacred  space with them.

Could you share a memorable experience from one of your live performances where the audience’s participation truly enhanced the energy and atmosphere of the show?


Every time we play an interactive show, the smiles on peoples faces when they start to drop into the fun of it is so inspiring I can’t put it into words. They never want it  to end, and either do we !

What do you hope listeners will take away from “Songs From Source” and the music of Love Power the Band as a whole?


I truly hope that our music inspires listeners to enquire within  for their wholeness for the connection to divinity and to awaken a communion  with Oneness and the festival of life. I hope their hearts and lives are led by the beautiful melodies rising from within them directly from source frequency. This is really what the title songs from source means

Finally, where can listeners find “Songs From Source” and stay updated on your upcoming releases and live performances?


Songs  from source can be found on all of the major platforms and fans are invited to join our  You Tube
Quantum Awakening & Love Power the Band  to see our beautiful music videos And have access to many quantum  healing posts. And follow us on Insta @lovepowertheband


Artist Spotlight

“Call It” by Sunset Salore stirs an anthemic tapestry of self-worth

Sunset Salore

The Melbourne-based artist, singer, and songwriter Sunset Salore, known for her enchanting alternative pop sound, returns with “Call It,” a compelling declaration of self-worth that’s both a breath of fresh air and a sonic revelation. This track, the first sneak peek into her upcoming EP, ‘Love Kills the Monsters,’ draws clear inspiration from the charismatic styles of Florence & The Machine, Meg Mac, and Baker Boy musical influences. It’s a unique blend of haunting melodies and profound lyrics that addresses the frustrations and disappointments of leaving that often go unnoticed but collectively signal that it’s time to make a change or reclaim sanity.


Call It” doesn’t tiptoe around the issue with anyone ever feeling undervalued in relationships. It dives headfirst into the micro-moments of relationship dynamics that wear down one’s spirit, capturing the decisive moment when one realizes one deserves more and demands better for oneself. Sunset Salore’s assertive vocals soar over an alternative pop soundscape, making it impossible not to feel the empowerment in her words. What makes “Call It” stand out is its ability to convey a universal sentiment through deeply personal reflections that channel vulnerability into strength.

Musically, “Call It” is a shining example of her sophisticated artistry in production. It was written during a crucial stage in Salore’s creative and introspective period, allowing her to dissect those critical life-changing moments. This makes the song relatable and impactful, enhancing the emotional journey without overshadowing the poignant message.


Sunset Salore challenges the societal tendency to shy away from labeling relationships, emphasizing that how we treat each other holds more weight than any label ever could. Her bold assertion, coupled with her enchanting vibes, make “Call It” a sonic anthem for anyone navigating the crossroads of their self-respect and relationship expectations. It simplifies the equation and raises the bar for what we should demand in our relationships and from ourselves.



For more information about Sunset Salore, please visit [website]. 
CLICK HERE TO STREAM Sunset Salore’s Call It on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH Sunset Salore | Instagram | Facebook |

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Artist Spotlight

Plasma Chasms sparks a cosmic love affair with “Interstellar Baby”

Plasma Chasms

Produced, mixed, and mastered by Electric Rabbit Studios, Plasma Chasms’ masterfully crafted latest single, “Interstellar Baby,” is an auditory odyssey that flawlessly blends the timeless charm of vintage soul with modern psychedelic twists. Formed in 2020 by the dynamic duo of Australian Jane Drewett and American Adrian Guerrero, Plasma Chasms have steadily carved out a niche in the indie-pop scene with their retro, gritty, and rhythmic garage sound, and this track feels like a dream, with shimmering, otherworldly sounds a testament to their evolving artistry.


From the first note, “Interstellar Baby” envelops the audience in a cosmic embrace reminiscent of the golden era of Motown. The interplay of Jane Drewett and Guerrero’s vocals stands out, dripping with soulful intensity and complemented by lush strings and horns that evoke the spirit of Marvin Gaye. This sonic adventure through time and space, guided by the rhythmic heartbeat of Latin percussion and R&B grooves, creates a harmonious balance that’s soothing yet invigorating.


The track’s impeccable production quality allows each element to shine while maintaining a cohesive, immersive sound. The new layers of psychedelic rock subtly interwoven into the fabric of classic Soul/R&B create a familiar and refreshingly new soundscape that transports listeners on a cosmic elevator ride through each floor, revealing a different flavor of psychedelia, from blissful reverie to rhythmic euphoria.

Interstellar Baby” is a stellar example of their innovative fusion, the third single from their much-anticipated debut album, ‘Chrysalis.’ This song promises to leave listeners eagerly anticipating what’s next, with catchy hooks and soulful delivery. Take the ride into Plasma Chasms’ world, and let “Interstellar Baby” transport you to a place where vintage soul and modern psychedelia meet in perfect harmony. By the end, you’re left humming the tune.



For more information about Plasma Chasms, please visit [website]. 
CLICK HERE TO STREAM Plasma Chasms’ Interstellar Baby on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH Plasma Chasms | Instagram | Facebook |

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