Year Released: 2024 Genre: Traditional Country Duration: 44:22 Label: Fence Row Records/MTS Producer: Richard Lynch Engineer: Beaird Music Group, Nashville On “Pulling Up the Covers,” Richard...
In an era where the musical landscape is as diverse as the peaks of the Himalayas, Michael Zuzek’s latest LP, Everest, stands as a towering achievement...
Eleyet McConnell’s latest single, “I Want You to Know,” is a poignant testament to the power of vulnerability and the profound complexity of human relationships. Set...
Jeff Christie’s upcoming album Here & Now offers a tapestry of songs that delve deep into the human experience, blending classic rock sensibilities with reflective, often...
Lady Redneck, the Dallas-based Christian country artist known for her heartfelt storytelling, has once again delivered a soul-stirring single with “A Child of God.” Released on...
The Patti Spadaro Band delivers a powerful rallying cry for women’s empowerment with their latest single, “Glass Shatters.” Scheduled for release on June 8, 2024, this...
When it comes to genuine and unembellished music, Pete Miller’s debut album “Live on Record” is a revitalizing breeze in the current music landscape. Released on...
Pam Ross’ latest single, “Doublewide,” set for release on August 9th, 2024, is a captivating fusion of rock, Americana, and country that showcases her knack for...
DPB’s latest single, “I Feel So Good Today (Happy Mix),” is a vibrant testament to his unwavering commitment to positivity and anti-bullying advocacy. The track, imbued...
Ashley, it’s great to have you here. Let’s start from the beginning. Can you share a bit about your journey into music and how your upbringing...