In his latest folk-rock single, “You & Me,” Canadian artist Cooper Chasse rekindles the embers of memories past while unveiling a vibrant departure from his signature...
Joogi, a talented artist from Malaysia, has just released his latest R&B masterpiece titled “TIMELINE.” Featuring a collaboration with YELLOO, this emotionally charged single delves into the transience of relationships. With...
In a musical landscape teeming with generic pop, Grace & Moji emerge as a refreshing breeze with their latest indie-pop single, “Monster.” This Los Angeles-based husband-wife...
Armanni Reign’s latest offering, “Go to Work,” sets ablaze the hip-hop scene with its electrifying energy and lyrical finesse. Reign’s journey from schoolyard cyphas to international...
Aleighcia Scott’s latest reggae gem, “In My Shoes,” takes listeners on a soul-stirring journey to the very heart of the genre. As the third single from her...
Singapore’s budding artist IZPZ takes listeners on an enchanting expedition with his debut single, “In Sight.” The soulful and folk-inspired track, released on August 4, 2023,...
Portland’s Industrial Metal powerhouse, Amerakin Overdose, returns with a thunderous statement in their latest single, “Disconnect.” This electrifying track, a clarion call against media manipulation, reverberates...
Diving into Noam Hoze’s latest masterpiece, “The Power To Give,” is like embarking on a journey through a sonic wonderland. Hoze, a multi-talented artist hailing from...
In his latest magnetic creation, J’uno presents a paradigm-shifting Hip-Hop/Rap single “Souv,” poised to revolutionize modern vernacular. As the lead track from his forthcoming self-titled EP,...
Minneapolis’ sonic sorceress, speakeazie, once again casts her spell with “Love Me Wild, Love Me Crazy.” A voyage into emotional tumult, this indie pop gem merges...