Maddie Moon is an incredible singer and songwriter born in Merida, Venezuela in the late 90’s. She grew up in a very musical family, as they...
“BMH” tells a heartfelt story of liberation from an abusive relationship with cascading pop instrumentation and a passionately anthemic chorus. Alt-pop singer-songwriter WAJI makes a splash...
“ghosting” is an energetic electro-pop track going out to anyone who has ever felt like a ‘back-up’ plan to their significant other. Pop singer-songwriter Elly Tess...
Today we interview Pyti. He is better known as Alexey Nikitin, a musical artist & producer, originally logged in from Belarus, and now he crafts beats...
Miles Prime is a multi-talented rapper and songwriter from Phoenix, AZ. He has taken all the time he needs to learn all that he needs to...
Stunning Miami-based R&B talent Miesa shares her emotive new track “Blind.”The track highlights sultry smooth arrangements and earnest lyricism to perfectly illustrate the rollercoaster of emotions...
Neson’s decadent vocals on “Roaming” guide fans through a refined, emotionally introspective R&B/Trap-soul experience. R&B artist Neson delivers a charismatic, passionate recount of a tumultuous romance...
“lately i been” is a vibey, introspective reflection for mental health challenges and feeling directionless in life. Houston-based pop artist tonnhi is expanding his musical landscape...
“Amnesia” introduces a cosmic synth adventure that’s bound to take listeners on a therapeutic trip. French indie pop-rock artist Dude Low is back on January 13...
Kiah Linae Coleman also known as Khiy is a multi-talented hip-hop/Rnb singer and songwriter based in Stone Mountain, Ga. She has taken all the time she...