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Dwight Howard & Carmelo Anthony: 2020’s Comeback Kids

When the 2019-2020 NBA season began a year ago, there were two players who fans and pundits had pretty much given up on. The first was none other than three-time defensive player of the year Dwight Howard, who had just signed a one-year deal with the Los Angeles Lakers. The other player was Carmelo Anthony, who wasn’t even signed to a team at the beginning of the season. Instead, Melo had to wait until mid-November before he was given a chance with the Portland Trail Blazers.

Both of these men had similar narratives surrounding them. When it came to Howard, some felt as though he was a shell of his former self who simply didn’t have the motivation to put up consistent results, despite being a good teammate. The same was said of Melo, with some theorizing that he had been completely blackballed by the league for his lack of defensive play and locker room attitude. These narratives were easy to run with, mostly because both players had gone through public falling outs with high-profile teams. Specifically, Howard with the Lakers in 2013, and Melo with the New York Knicks.


Given these narratives, it was almost inconceivable that Howard and Carmelo would be able to right their wrongs and prove themselves to be extremely competitive, especially given their ages. Well, it didn’t take long for either player to prove everyone wrong, and that’s why it must be said that both of these stars are the NBA’s comeback kids of 2020.

Dwight Howard

Douglas P. DeFelice/Getty Images

Starting with Howard, his impact with the Los Angeles Lakers was immediately felt as he saw a complete return to form, albeit in a more supportive role. Fans were fairly shocked to see him on a whole new level when it came to blocking, all while scooping up defensive rebounds like it was nothing. As the Lakers began to go on massive winning streaks throughout the regular season, it was becoming quite obvious that Howard was no longer the player we saw in Charlotte and Washington. Instead, he was a more motivated version of himself that had been soaking in the criticism of the last seven years, only to unleash it back in our faces.


Statistically speaking, this was Howard’s lowest-scoring and lowest-rebounding season of his career. These facts don’t necessarily tell the whole story, however, as Howard was logging fewer minutes and contesting shots in a more energetic fashion, leading to some huge defensive stops for the Lakers. Not to mention, Howard improved when it came to blocks per game, while also providing the Lakers with the best field goal percentage of his career. Though his numbers on the stat sheet weren’t comparable to what he was doing in 2011, it’s impossible to deny how much of a positive impact Howard had on this team.

This was especially true during the playoffs as he proved to be a menace whenever the Lakers decided to go big. A perfect example of this was in the Western Conference Finals when Howard rendered Nikola Jokic completely ineffective. Jokic was one of the most unstoppable players in the first two rounds of the playoffs, but Howard put a quick end to that, which ultimately helped provide the Lakers with a path to the NBA Finals. From there, Howard did what he had to do when called upon, and it all culminated in him winning his first-ever NBA championship.


Carmelo Anthony

Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

While Melo’s comeback season didn’t end with the same glory, it’s safe to say that it was just as impressive. Coming off disappointing stints with the Houston Rockets and Oklahoma City Thunder, fans weren’t sure what to make of him on the Blazers. Luckily, Damian Lillard and CJ McCollum had always expressed interest in playing with Anthony. This desire to run the floor with Melo led to immediate chemistry, and while it took a few weeks for him to get comfortable, he began to get in his signature groove. Unlike past seasons, Melo was playing solid defense that wreaked havoc on opposing shooters and actually led to more steals than he’s had in three years. As for scoring, Melo averaged over 15 points per game while notching 6.3 total rebounds. In fact, this was his best rebounding campaign in five seasons.

Throughout the year, Blazers head coach Terry Stotts praised Melo’s presence on the team, telling Yahoo! Sports “It goes beyond just leadership. I think the way he conducts himself as a person, just creates a lot of respect in the locker room.” These words alone debunked years of slander when it came to Melo’s ability to lead his teammates. His leadership qualities ultimately proved to be necessary in the bubble as the Blazers went on an incredible run in the seeding round, leading to a playoff appearance where Melo and company were ousted by Howard and the Lakers in just five games. Regardless, it was a triumphant season for Melo that proved he still has it.


As for Melo’s future, it seems as though he is willing to come back to the Blazers, as long as the circumstances are right. While that feeling is mutual, there are rumblings Melo could be going back to the Knicks, although we’d have to wait for the offseason to find out. Interestingly enough, Howard also has a big decision to make, as it’s been reported the Golden State Warriors might be going after him come the free agency period.

Following their respective seasons, both players seem to be in high demand, which is the ultimate compliment to how well they did this season. After years of disappointment and media criticism, Howard and Melo are back in everyone’s good graces and it’s why they are undeniably some of the best comeback stories of this season.


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Eddie Castillo’s Powerful Ocean Conservation Video Campaign

“We are the last generation that can save the oceans, and we are the first generation that must learn to live without them.” – Silvia Earle

By Altered State Productions


The Ocean Foundation has taken on a mission of critical importance: to save our dying oceans from the irreversible damage caused by human activity. With marine ecosystems teetering on the brink of collapse, the organization’s latest campaign aims to educate and inspire action through the power of storytelling.

Meet Eddie Castillo, Founder of Dallas production company Altered State Productions and media director who’s passionate about the ocean’s survival. His latest project with an ocean conservation organization takes viewers on an emotional journey, blending breathtaking aerial footage with a powerful stewardship message.


“It’s easy to become numb to the devastation happening around us”, says Castillo, “We scroll past images of environmental destruction, momentarily horrified, yet quickly moving on to the next distraction.” While other campaigns often depict the devastation—plastic, trash, turtles entangled in debris—the Last Generation campaign strives to remind us of the beauty we are at risk of losing forever. The brand video captures the ocean’s waves hitting the shore, smooth and therapeutic.


Castillo’s work, reminiscent of National Geographic’s Planet Possible, combines awe-inspiring visuals with a profound sense of responsibility for our planet. Using advanced drone technology, Castillo captured mesmerizing scenes of Hawaii’s North Shore, showcasing the pristine beauty of marine ecosystems under threat. These stunning visuals, paired with philosophical narrations by Alan Watts and a cascade of electronic synths, create a dreamlike quality that blurs the lines between reality and fantasy.

The Ocean Foundation’s storytelling hinges on compelling imagery, reminding us of our collective responsibility to protect these fragile ecosystems. By raising awareness and inspiring change through the power of commercial video production, the project serves as a rallying cry for ocean literacy, species protection, and habitat preservation.


Altered State Productions proudly circulates its media campaign through syndicated sources, utilizing targeted messaging that hits viewers on a different level. “As a media production company, our mission is to create impactful messages that drive real change,” says Brian Medina, Communications Director at Altered State Productions. “We pour our hearts into every project, hoping to make a difference. We’ve successfully generated over a quarter billion dollars in attribution for brands and companies worldwide. If we can do that for profit, imagine what we can achieve for causes worth standing for.”

The media agency’s impressive portfolio includes over 96 nationally aired TV ad campaigns for brands like Jameson, Valyou, and OWN.


In one scene, two young children hold up a surfboard to protect themselves from an incoming wave, playing innocently as kids do. The scene cuts to a breathtaking timelapse of an iridescent coral reef, with aqua blue currents turning the rock. This moment signals that those two kids could be the last to witness such beauty, delivering the hard-hitting message of what we stand to lose—an ocean and all its wonder, and the chance to truly experience it.

In the end, we are faced with the undeniable truth that if we do not act, our children and their children may never know the oceans’ true splendor, leaving behind only a memory of what once was—a heartbreaking legacy of neglect, making the next generation, possibly the last generation.


Altered State Productions is a video production company and digital marketing agency, specializing in video editing services that propel brands with competitive advertising.

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How to Get Your Music on Spotify’s Algorithmic Playlists

Hey there, music maker! Let’s chat about:

* The cool types of algorithmic playlists out there


* How Spotify’s playlist magic works

* Some nifty tricks to get your tunes on these playlists


* Ways to boost your chances of playlist success

* Some final thoughts to keep you inspired


Spotify’s Algorithmic Playlists: Your New Best Friend

Wondering how to get your music featured on Spotify’s playlists? No need to stress we’ve got you covered! Here’s the lowdown;

Option 1; Create a hit song that gains 5,000 to 10,000 streams, within the two weeks of its release. Sounds challenging? Keep reading!


Option 2; Consider using our Spotify advertising campaign to boost your streams and potentially catch the attention of those playlists.

Option 3: Use Spotify ad campaign to trigger the algorithm 


Let’s dig in shall we?

Promoting your music on Spotify is like amplifying your voice in a room. Those algorithmic playlists? They’re like winning lottery tickets for artists helping them connect with listeners and even securing a spot, on Spotifys curated playlists. Stuff, right?

Think of these playlists as your music’s personal matchmaker. They introduce your tunes to listeners who might never have found you otherwise. It’s like having a friend who’s always saying, “Hey, you’ve got to hear this!”


Landing on a popular algorithmic playlist can give your Spotify profile a serious boost. And if you’re lucky enough to hit a trending playlist? Well, that’s when things can really take off!

What kinds of algorithmic playlists are out there?

Spotify’s algorithm is like a DJ that knows exactly what each listener wants to hear. Here are some of its greatest hits:


Discover Weekly:
Your personal Monday mixtape, filled with new tunes and old favorites.

Daily Mix:
A fresh playlist every day, blending your faves with similar tracks.


Release Radar:
Friday’s new music party, featuring your top artists and similar sounds.

Your Library:
A mix of your likes, saves, and new releases from your favorite artists.


On Repeat:
The songs you can’t stop playing, plus some new recommendations.

Repeat Rewind:
A blast from the past, featuring your old favorites and similar tracks.


Time Capsule;
Take a trip down memory lane personalized for you.

Spotify Radio;
Craft your playlist inspired by any song, artist or music genre.


Ever wondered how Spotify creates its playlists?


Think of Spotifys algorithm, as a music enthusiast robot with a memory. It observes listener preferences examines song details, adapts, to your listening patterns and notes how people engage with songs.Pretty smart, right?

So, how do you get your song on these playlists?

You’ve got two main routes:


Option 1: Create an amazing song that gets lots of love quickly. Aim for 5,000-10,000 streams in the first couple of weeks. Remember, Spotify also looks at things like user engagement and how well your song fits different playlists.

Option 2: Give our Spotify ad campaign a try. It’s designed to boost your streams and often triggers those algorithmic playlists. Plus, the benefits often continue even after the campaign ends!


Option 3: Use a Spotify ad campaign to trigger Spotify’s algorithmic playlists. 

Here are some tips to boost your chances:

  1. Use Spotify for Artists: It’s like your backstage pass. Fill out all the info you can when submitting your music.
  2. Creating music is essential. It’s a no brainer!
  3. Share your music; Put your songs on playlists made by users reach out to curators and promote your tracks on media platforms.
  4. Create your own playlists: Mix your songs with similar artists and try to gain followers.
  5. Keep at it: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are music careers. Stay patient and persistent!

What’s next after you hit those algorithmic playlists?

Set your sights on Spotify’s editorial playlists. They’re like the Mount Everest of playlist goals and can really launch your career into the stratosphere!


Final Thoughts:

Music promotion can expose your tracks to new listeners and new potential fans. Spotify is a crucial platform to get exposed. Remember, the key to triggering these playlists is getting those streams quickly – aim for at least 5,000 in two weeks. And the more tracks you create and release, the better your chances to hit the algorithmic playlists. 

You’ve got this, superstar! Now go make some noise!



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