Ireland’s rising rap sensation, Newtral, has once again graced us with his exceptional talent in his latest single, “Dear Little One.” This powerful track showcases his...
In a music scene saturated with mainstream trends and predictable beats, Røøskie emerges formidable, defying conventions and pushing boundaries with his latest single, “Violent Intentions.” This...
Prepare to embark on a sonic journey as RadWulf, the American Electronic Music Producer/DJ, unleashes his latest single, “Better” ft. ZERO SUGAR. This electrifying track is...
Prepare to be blown away by Marc the Prophet’s latest single, “BOONDOCKS,” as he defies musical boundaries and takes classic hip-hop to new heights. This Tampa-born...
Prepare to be enthralled as Jacques Bailhé, the Los Angeles-based multi-instrumentalist extraordinaire, unveils his latest single, “Gimme That!” This captivating masterpiece takes listeners on a journey...
In an era of superficiality and fleeting connections, Wonderland’s latest single, “I Ask You,” emerges as a captivating oasis of depth and sincerity. With an irresistible...
Prepare yourself for a musical explosion as CORM!! A.K.A. Dr. Jason Cormier retakes the stage, showcasing an incredible maturity that resonates through his latest single, “Bring...
Emily Nicole Green, an immensely talented US-based artist, and songwriter, is set to release her new Classic Folk/Acoustic single, “It’s Gonna Be Okay,” on June 8,...
DJ Skilz, the adept scratch DJ who made a tremendous impact on the music scene with his debut single “Scratch Planet,” has returned with a dynamic...
Prepare to have your eardrums shattered and your heart racing because The Survival Code is back with their electrifying new single, “Built To Break.” This London-based...