We Are PIGS, the brainchild of Grammy-featured artist and producer Esjay Jones, is back with an exhilarating new single titled “FADED.” Collaborating with the renowned artist...
Frank Black, the rising star from North Carolina, is making waves in the music scene with his latest single, “Peaks and Valleys.” Combining classical elements with...
Dirty Mitts, the electrifying four-piece band comprising Tommy (singer), Matt (bass player), Mo (guitarist), and Mateusz (drums), brings together their diverse backgrounds from the UK, Poland,...
Daey-rick, the rising star in the music industry, based in Belgium is making waves with his latest single, “My Life.” This infectious summer anthem takes inspiration...
Ray Chris, the talented Hip-Hop artist, singer, and songwriter, has just released his latest single, “Upward Spiral,” a mesmerizing blend of classical and hip-hop influences. Drawing...
Vancouver’s NADUH have shared a new single called “LEGACY”. Filling in the industry thigh-gap, 5 piece femme powered hip-hop/ R&B group, NADUH, write, engineer, and produce all of...
Emerging artist ndge has released her highly anticipated second single, “Why Would I Notice U.” Defying the conventions of genre, ndge’s electrifying fusion of Electro Pop...
Spitty, the rising star of the music industry, is set to make waves with his brand-new single “Brrrrrrr.” This drill anthem is a powerful combination of...
CONXEPT, the rising star in the music industry known for his introspective lyrics and captivating melodies, is set to make waves with his highly anticipated single...
Sunny V, the rising star in the hip-hop scene, is ready to captivate audiences worldwide with the release of his highly anticipated single “Pas De Transpiration...