Dallas-based artist ALEXANDRA, the indie pop sensation hailing from the heart of Ohio, has struck gold with her latest creation, “Funny,” it’s nothing short of a...
United Kingdom’s dynamic trio, WILD HORSE, hailing from the vibrant city of Brighton, has unleashed an electrifying sonic explosion that demands attention with their latest debut...
Renowned streamer and influencer, Kai Cenat, has found himself embroiled in a feud between hip-hop heavyweights, Joe Budden and Drake. Cenat, who boasts millions of followers...
Chrisean Rock’s journey to fame began with her role in the reality TV series Baddies. The show, which follows a group of women navigating their lives...
Renowned hip-hop legend 2Pac, known for his timeless hits like “Hit Em Up,” has been announced as the new face of Nixon watches. The partnership was...
Renowned rapper and Long Beach legend, Snoop Dogg, is not just known for his iconic music but also for the wisdom he imparts from his life...
In a remarkable rendezvous of e-sports excellence and compelling conversation, Studio Carry On Harry recently played host to a true pioneer in the field—Prince Johal, the...
Renowned R&B sensation, Summer Walker, is once again the talk of the town. This time, it’s not for her soulful tunes or any controversy, but for...
Janelle Monáe, the multi-talented singer, songwriter, and producer, has been on a transformative journey over the past few years. Known for her unique blend of R&B,...
Outkast’s Speakerboxxx/The Love Below significantly altered the landscape of Hip Hop. It bravely demonstrated that Hip Hop could be just as varied, exploratory, and capable of...