Monochrome Midnight Traveller introduces their latest EP, “Reality Spaces.” Seamlessly fusing evocative audio with captivating visuals, this electronic duo takes listeners on a transcendental journey through...
Tokyo’s very own musical luminary, You Liang, unveiled their latest masterpiece – the EP “Sleepless Summer Night.” This ethereal collection of sonic tales promises to transport...
Kelly Phoenix’s latest single, “Move On Up,” is an exhilarating fusion of Pop, Funk, and Dance music that encapsulates the essence of liberation and love. Hailing...
EDIE YVONNE emerges as a captivating powerhouse in the ever-evolving musical hub of bustling talent with her latest single, “On Your Mind,” a testament to her...
Diving into the rich soundscape of Junk Parlor’s latest single, “Hungry for Love,” is akin to stepping into a time machine with an eclectic twist. This...
In a world that often tests the limits of our resolve, Annette Gregory’s latest Soul-Jazz single, “Believe,” emerges as a heartfelt anthem of unwavering perseverance. With...
Edley Shine’s latest reggae single, “Grow,” is a resonant testament to the artist’s enduring legacy and insightful perspective on the dancehall reggae scene. Celebrating his 30th...
Marvis Amadi Iguodayela, the creative force behind the moniker Tipshan, paints the music scene with a burst of Afro-Pop brilliance in his latest offering, “All Over.”...
Wabi Sabi’s latest masterpiece, “The Love Insane,” from their fourth album, is a mesmerizing blend of soulful acoustic vibes and intricate jazz instrumentals that transcends conventional...
Miami’s rising star, Simón, takes the pop scene by storm with his latest single, “Disguise.” Born from the vibrant mix of Anglo-Latin influences that encapsulate Miami’s...