ALLYSE.’s latest single, “Condo in Orlando,” is a mesmerizing musical experience that seamlessly fuses classic Pop with R&B brilliance. This upbeat track presents a relatable narrative...
Garth Adam’s latest single, “Say You’ll Come With Me,” is a mesmerizing pop with rock sensibilities that effortlessly transports listeners to a world of soulful melodies...
Azure Kai’s latest pop single, “The Cakepop Song,” is a delightful treat for music enthusiasts craving a blend of classic pop with a modern twist. Hailing...
Wes DeLux’s latest single, “Somebody Else” (ft. NVNNV), is a masterful fusion of Hip-Hop and Pop that delivers a refreshing blend of East Coast and West...
Shambhaline’s latest Funk single, “I Remember,” casts a spell on listeners with its captivating groove and soulful vocals. Drawing inspiration from AOR legends like Steely Dan,...
Hush Giants’ debut single, “1NE (Bedroom Rope),” is a classic pop with hip-hop vibes that takes listeners on a soul-stirring journey through the artist’s tumultuous past....
SHAUN SCRATCHLEY has again proven his musical prowess with his latest classic rock-pop single, “Forbidden Love.” As an independent singer-songwriter, Scratchley has an undeniable talent for...
Levina’s latest single, “Who’s Laughing Now,” is an electrifying pop-rock anthem that defies conventions and leaves a lasting impact on listeners. With her captivating musicality and...
Megan Woodruff’s latest classic pop single, “You’ll Never Be The Same,” is an electrifying ode to newfound love, capturing the essence of excitement and flirtation in...
IVAV recording artist Jay-Way reveals his latest musical masterpiece, “Stuck In My Head,” delving into the depths of his emotions and laying bare his soul for...