Filo Beddo, the dynamic duo from Connecticut, has created a new classic hip-hop/rap single to satiate your musical cravings. Titled “Curse of the Burrito,” this track...
Prepare to be consumed by the scorching talent of rising artist Daniel Augustynn as he unleashes his latest classic hip-hop/rap single, “Burn Them Down.” With magnetic...
B. Smith, the US-based artist, is set to mesmerize music lovers with his latest classic R&B-pop single, “Square One” ft. Brian Angel. This captivating track is...
Meet Taydem Shoesmith, a rising star in the music industry who has been captivated by the power of melodies since a tender age. As a young...
Prepare to be swept away on a euphoric musical journey as Edgar Everyone, the Los Angeles indie sensation, unveils his captivating new single “Who’s The Dreamer?”...
Memphis Tennessee’s rising star, Joe Solid, is poised to take the hip-hop world by storm with his latest single, “Savage Life” ft. Zaytoven. As an artist...
Cullen Jack, the multifaceted artist, songwriter, and production from Portland, Oregon, is set to mesmerize music lovers again with his latest single, “Space and Time.” Skillfully...
Metok Music’s latest offering, “All We Know,” is a mesmerizing track that captivates listeners with its unique blend of emotion and groove. From the moment the...
Dmts, the talented musical innovator, has struck gold yet again with his latest release, “The System.” This electrifying track is a force to be reckoned with,...
Metok Music has once again proven their mastery of musical storytelling with their latest single, “Astral.” This ethereal composition takes listeners on a captivating journey through...