Prepare to be blown away by Marc the Prophet’s latest single, “BOONDOCKS,” as he defies musical boundaries and takes classic hip-hop to new heights. This Tampa-born...
Prepare to be enthralled as Jacques Bailhé, the Los Angeles-based multi-instrumentalist extraordinaire, unveils his latest single, “Gimme That!” This captivating masterpiece takes listeners on a journey...
In an era of superficiality and fleeting connections, Wonderland’s latest single, “I Ask You,” emerges as a captivating oasis of depth and sincerity. With an irresistible...
Prepare yourself for a musical explosion as CORM!! A.K.A. Dr. Jason Cormier retakes the stage, showcasing an incredible maturity that resonates through his latest single, “Bring...
Emily Nicole Green, an immensely talented US-based artist, and songwriter, is set to release her new Classic Folk/Acoustic single, “It’s Gonna Be Okay,” on June 8,...
DJ Skilz, the adept scratch DJ who made a tremendous impact on the music scene with his debut single “Scratch Planet,” has returned with a dynamic...
Prepare to have your eardrums shattered and your heart racing because The Survival Code is back with their electrifying new single, “Built To Break.” This London-based...
In a realm where music has the power to break barriers and create profound connections, Kejuanservin’s latest single, “Siamese Twins,” ft. Goonrixh emerges as a true...
Minnesota-based artist, singer, and producer Jomy has just released a banging new single set to take the hip-hop and rap scene by storm. Titled “Bitcoin,” this...
Prepare to be transported back to the golden era of hip-hop with Yojni’s latest single, “Life in Rewind.” This talented artist, Christian Van Buren, has crafted...