Asher Laub, renowned for his innovative approach as a versatile electric violinist, has once again mesmerized music lovers with his latest single, ‘A Tribute To Israel.’...
Tommy Drinkard, a talented singer-songwriter from California, mesmerizes listeners with his latest single, “Baton Rouge.” Drinkard’s musicality shines through, seemingly blending enchanting melodies with folk and...
TheHawk, a talented rapper from Canada, has unleashed his latest musical endeavor, the electrifying single “One More Time.” This track is a seamless fusion of classic...
CSaucy, the talented rapper from North Preston, Canada, has unleashed his latest single, “Get A Bag,” it’s an absolute banger! Produced by the acclaimed Gwalla, this...
Robbie Malinga Jnr is one of the most famous youngsters in Africa , unlike most 21 year olds in South Africa. Malinga leads a lavish lifestyle,...
Million Dollar Cowboy (“MDC”), the talented multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and producer hailing from the Mountain West, invites you on a mesmerizing musical journey with his latest classic...
Glass Mansions, the dynamic Altpop duo from Austin, TX, has released their captivating new single “Nearsighted,” a dark and alluring addition to their repertoire. Led by...
Scotty Summer, the multi-talented artist known for his fashion prowess and musical endeavors, has released his latest single, “RIVER,” and it is a force to be...
Aso Breezey, the rising star in the rap scene, is making waves with his latest single, “Gangsta ABC’s.” This classic hip-hop/rap track is a breath of...
Meet Emika Love, a 19-year-old rising music artist from Sacramento, California. Emika’s unique sound and style are heavily influenced by her love for visuals and storytelling....