Scotty Summer, the multi-talented artist known for his fashion prowess and musical endeavors, has released his latest single, “RIVER,” and it is a force to be...
Aso Breezey, the rising star in the rap scene, is making waves with his latest single, “Gangsta ABC’s.” This classic hip-hop/rap track is a breath of...
Meet Emika Love, a 19-year-old rising music artist from Sacramento, California. Emika’s unique sound and style are heavily influenced by her love for visuals and storytelling....
Get ready to groove to the addictive beats of David E Beats’ latest classic hip-hop/rap single, “New Phone Who Dis.” With his finger on the pulse...
Mike Donello’s latest single, “Rendezvous,” invites listeners on a captivating musical journey, enveloped in the essence of Classic Folk/Acoustic melodies. With heartfelt lyrics, soulful vocals, and...
St. Catherine’s Child, the transatlantic singer-songwriter Ilana Zsigmond’s musical venture, has just released their captivating new single titled “No More Pictures,” from the much-anticipated Every Generation...
Get ready to be swept away by The Lovelines’ latest musical masterpiece, “1-800-LOVELINE.” This Berlin-Orlando duo, consisting of the talented siblings Tessa and Todd, has crafted...
Mike Delph’s newest single, “California Rain,” is a masterpiece that seamlessly fuses the elements of Pop, Rock, and Acoustic genres. Released on May 12, 2023, this...
The Gamble Child, an up-and-coming independent artist with Irish roots based in the US, has set the music scene ablaze with the release of his latest...
Montreal-based artist Christopher-James is making waves with his latest single, “Dedication.” Born on August 21st, 2002, Christopher-James has been honing his musical craft for over three...