Amal Jose, the talented singer-songwriter from Kochi, India, has released his debut single, “Book of Songs,” a beautiful blend of classic folk and acoustic styles. The...
Surface Level’s “Loneliness” beautifully captures the pain of isolation and longing for human connection. The melancholic and haunting vocals are particularly striking, combined with the artist’s...
Anthony Ortiz’s single “Fall For You” soars high, delivering each lyric with precision and emotion, which makes the song more endearing. The production is top-notch, with...
Extraordinary multi-genre artist Kami Kehoe unveils her much-anticipated debut album ‘DRAMA QUEEN’, led by the unapologetic single “hate ur f**king self“. This 9-track masterpiece offers an...
Metok Music’s latest single “Yummy” is a tantalizing track that’s sure to get stuck in your head. From the first notes of the song, the catchy...
Rick and Sarah Blasi’s latest single, “Tonight,” is a sultry and seductive R&B/Soul track that showcases their incredible talent and love for classical music. Their passion...
New York City-based singer/songwriter James Baby has recently released his latest EP, “Incompatible (Constellations),” featuring a smooth and catchy R&B-Pop anthem that will impress fans of...
Erik Evy has shared a new video for his song “Down Stream”. Evy is a 26 year-old Chicago-based artist who has an exceptional touch with capturing...
Pam Ross, an award-winning singer, songwriter, and guitarist, was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, spent most of her life in Houston, and currently resides in...
Dutch musician, multi-instrumentalist and music therapist Harry Kappen is known for making bold political statements and raising awareness on global issues through his music. While his previous...