Patrick Doval has re-released his single “Endless Heartbreak,” a poignant ode to the pain of unrequited love, blending nostalgic heartache with fresh, dynamic percussion. Initially unveiled...
Mr. FoW, the Nigerian-American neo-contemporary artist, and entrepreneur, is a force to be reckoned with. He’s not just making waves in the music scene with his...
From the moment “Wilted Flowers” begins, Randy Beth’s latest single is a sonic triumph that beautifully marries soulful vocals with profoundly personal storytelling. As a queer...
When IKON’s new single “MIND” begins to play, it’s easy to get lost in its passionate, cinematic brilliance. It’s a mesmerizing blend of soulful artistry and...
This enthralling single, “Reasons I Can’t Sleep,” by Natalie Claro, is a masterful display of cinematic sonic artistry that resonates with anyone who has ever felt...
In 2021, German producer Tom Aries and Canadian songstress Jordana Moon teamed up for the first time as MOON AND ARIES. Their collaborative project struck gold with...
Contemporary Christian R&B artist HeIsTheArtist is making waves yet again with his new jazz-rock single, “Sympathy Sonata (Rock Rhapsody).” Scheduled to be released on May 24th,...
Montreal-based singer-songwriter Sara Sue Vallee’s latest single, “Baby Girl,” is a delicate and poignant journey through the bittersweet nature of memories of her time in New...
Honk Magazine is thrilled to present our top picks for your ultimate playlist! From soulful ballads to energetic anthems, these four songs are guaranteed to captivate...
“Going,” the latest single by Nicoroc, offers a captivating fusion of ethereal melodies, pulsating rhythms, and introspective lyrics. The song expertly blends electronic and indie elements...