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Artist Spotlight


Hello Twin Wllmz
, Thanks for coming to Honk Magazine to talk about your career.

Tell us a little more about when you first got into music? 

As a teenager I was always around people who would rap and were pretty good at it, whether it was standing on the corner waiting for the school bus and they would have a cypher going or even in high school where a lot of my friends would battle rap against other neighborhoods.  It’s just something that’s always been in my life and I started writing songs maybe around 18 years old but started taking it more seriously around 23-24 as far as coming up with different flows, cadences and trying new sounds. 



If you could describe your sound/style in one word, what would it be and why? 

Unique. A lot of people are surprised when they hear my music because based on my image they expect one type of sound lol. I love hip hop, R&B and Soft Rock & Roll/Pop Rock. I utilize all of these genres when creating my original music. Growing up my burnt CDs I would have in the CD player would go from Dipset to Usher to Evanescence to Drowning Pool lol I’m releasing an Ep soon and can’t wait for people to hear my sound.



What would you say to any aspiring recording artists who look up to your work? 


I would tell them to block out the noise. On your journey you will meet people who may not understand your vision and some may even try to discourage you, I just stress that you just keep going with the plan you envisioned for yourself. Don’t be afraid to put your art out there and don’t be obsessed with numbers, likes and views. Even If you get just 3 people you’ve never met before to thoroughly watch and enjoy your work you’re doing great. That 3 will eventually turn into 3000 if you stay consistent and keep putting out good work.



What quote or mantra do you live by? 

No one can be you better than you can be yourself. I live by that quote, I feel as though so many people are trying to be someone they’re not when you’re better off just being yourself.



What is your hobby outside of music? 


I am heavily involved with creating safe spaces for LGBT Youth. I partner with The Attic Youth Center to ensure that our LGBT Youth know they are recognized and taken care of. I am also on The Employee Resource Group Board at my place of employment as The LGBT Chapter Lead. I use my music to bring awareness to the community, I was just blessed with being able to design a shirt and donate proceeds to help our youth with back to school shopping and shoot a Music video based around Pride to help sell the shirts.



Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 

I’m manifesting this lol I do see myself as a credited sought out songwriter with known industry artists and at least 2 songs on billboard within the next 5 years. I see myself partnering with Allies and Peers to start a LGBT+ Youth organization where we can provide housing and shelter to our young people that may need assistance and programs to guide them on the right path.


What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why.

I wish someone told me not to be afraid to ask for things when I first started. There’s been so many missed opportunities due to being scared of “being annoying” or “Doing too much”. If you are blessed to be around people who are in the field that you are attempting to break into then you cannot be afraid to share your ideas with people and just ask if it’s something they can help bring to light. A great example is I wanted to have an dialogue with Angela Yee from The Breakfast Club who is an extremely busy person but I also know that she is a true ally of the LGBT Community so I just reached out and inquired if I could collaborate on a video with her in which she was more than happy to do. I feel as though if you come with a plan and you’re prepared then take that leap…ALL THEY CAN DO IS SAY NO!



I wish someone told me to BE YOURSELF! when I first started. A lot of the reason on why it took me so long to start putting out music and making videos is because I was Gay and was kind of closeted up until my early/mid 20’s. I had a few people I confided in but was scared for everybody to find out and judge me. Once I healed myself and started to be more confident in myself as a person it just increased the confidence I had in my music to fully express myself.



I wish someone told me they believed in me when I first started. I have a huge support team now and so many people that fully engage with me but in the beginning you need your friends etc to be the ones to put the battery in your back. You have to have people around you who will fully support you and fully be honest with you. When I first started putting out music a lot of people were so confused because they were just used to me playing the background, giving concepts, directing videos etc . They honestly didn’t believe in my writing abilities until I just stayed focused and kept writing and recording music until it became undeniable that I am an amazing artist. Those same people I now collab with and they love hearing my music lol



Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”? 


Don’t try to do too many projects at once, especially if you’re still on the come up. I personally try to make content every 2 months and just push what I made for 2 months until I’m ready for the next project. This is while I’m going to the studio to record 2 songs and 2 hooks at least once a week. I don’t have all the answers because I’m still trying to claw my way fully in the industry myself lol



Do you have anything new or upcoming we can expect to see from you? 

Yes! I will be dropping an Ep soon, I want to reveal the name but the concept is so dope and no one has thought of it yet so I have to keep it to myself lol I will just say it will be a collection of amazing songs that I started putting together about 8 months ago. I honestly can see movie studios contacting me to put some of them in movies or tv shows lol I have a few more songs that I want to perfect but I’m in the meantime I have a single I will be dropping titled “Upside Down”.



What is the inspiration behind your latest song?


Honestly I was sitting in my apartment just thinking about how life can be so shitty and this is not what I expected when I grew up lol. The balance of being Up (Happy) and being Do



How can our readers follow you online? 

The best way to follow my journey is to hit my Instagram at @aka_twin


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Artist Spotlight

Jeff Lake illuminates the melodic soul of nightlife with “Midnight Sun”

Jeff Lake

Jeff Lake’s latest single, “Midnight Sun,” is a masterful blend of diverse musical influences interweaving to create a timeless and refreshing sound. The song features a rhythmic, rap-infused vocal hook that draws inspiration from 80s rock anthems, paying homage to the legendary Led Zeppelin’s Immigrant Song,” while adding a unique touch.

The lyrics of “Midnight Sun” delve into universal themes of detachment, displacement, and the struggles artists face in navigating a rapidly changing world. Lake’s introspective lyrics resonate deeply, touching on the raw emotions of depression and the quest for belonging.


Jeff is an accomplished songwriter and performer with a rich backstory that adds depth to his musical prowess. The song “Midnight Sun” has gained popularity as a universal anthem with its captivating and melodious tune. Jeff has had the privilege of sharing the stage with esteemed members of bands such as Styx and Trans Siberian Orchestra. Jeff’s love for music has driven him to perfect his skills in the vibrant music scene of Brooklyn. He inspires budding musicians with his unwavering commitment to his art. Jeff performed his first professional gig at 17 and subsequently pursued music as a full-time career, demonstrating his determination and resilience.


Midnight Sun” represents a sonic exploration of Lake’s unequivocal passion for music and his remarkable ability to encapsulate complex emotions within a melodic embrace. The song’s infectious energy and thought-provoking lyrics establish it as a true masterpiece that merits attention from even the most discerning music enthusiasts who appreciate music’s artistry and innovation.

Midnight Sun” by Jeff Lake shines bright, dispelling the darkness and illuminating the listener’s soul with its radiant melody. Its enchanting vibes transcends boundaries and inspires one to dance, inviting the audience to revel in its boundless creativity.



For more information about Jeff Lake, please visit [website]. 
CLICK HERE TO STREAM Jeff Lake’s Midnight Sun on Spotify.
CONNECT WITH Jeff Lake | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook |

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Artist Spotlight

The Kyle Jordan Project strikes a soulful serenade with “Loved By You”

The Kyle Jordan Project

The rhythmic embrace of “Loved By You,” by The Kyle Jordan Project, a group of musicians, delivers an auditory magnetic force that traverses the soul-stirring landscapes to the roots music genre with an unmistakable modern flair. The song, a testament to the band’s musical finesse, offers a tantalizing blend of blues, country, rock, and folk influences intricately woven to create a captivating and rich sonic tapestry.

At its core, “Loved By You” embodies the essence of storytelling and is able to engage listeners on an emotional level. The seamless harmony of the trio’s artistry is achieved through Kyle Jordan’s masterful instrumentation, Greg Van Kerkhof’s enchanting vocals, and Katie Burke’s commanding stage presence. Their collaboration talents has resulted in an enchanting auditory experience that will leave a lasting impression.


The Kyle Jordan Project hails from Victoria, British Columbia, a musically vibrant enclave. The group is known for its collaborative spirit and dynamic performances that resonate with audiences worldwide, shining through in every note and promising an unforgettable musical experience. While Kyle Jordan is the driving force behind the project, the accompanying musicians’ ever-evolving lineup infuses each performance with a fresh energy and unique perspective, ensuring that no two shows are alike. This approach to collaborative musicianship is a hallmark of The Kyle Jordan Project and has gained the group a loyal following.


The track “Loved By You” is an excellent example of The Kyle Jordan Project’s artistry, showcasing their skill in evoking raw emotions and stirring the soul. This single is a valuable addition to any playlist, destined to be cherished by music enthusiasts worldwide. It’s a must-listen for those craving a soulful journey with infectious rhythms and heartfelt lyrics. With “Loved By You,” The Kyle Jordan Project proves why they are a force to be reckoned with. So, sit back, hit play, and let the magic of their music wash over you.

For more information about The Kyle Jordan Project, please visit [website].
CONNECT WITH The Kyle Jordan Project | Instagram | Facebook |

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