Noorani Pirani, a.k.a. Noor, has released his latest EP, titled “Phoenix.” The artist joined forces with Chicago-based top-tier performers Sasha Go Hard, Morgan Gold, JakeFromSpace, and...
“Red Beets and Horseradish” is the new album from band, The Little Wretches. Named after a traditional Jewish side dish that is commonly served during Passover...
Melodic, catchy, conscious, and even lyrical are words to describe the kind of music these two extraordinary Washington-based artists Styme & Kaloiam. They are best known...
Toronto-based (via Kenya & Rwanda) Jozem brings a major beautifully crafted sound that you feel every second of on the new song “Goderich”. The song is...
Cristóvam is a singer/songwriter from Portugal. Born amongst the deep blue of the Atlantic and the lush green of the beautiful Azores islands, Cristóvam’s music shines...
Bernadett has performed in over 90 countries around the globe. She is the granddaughter of famous Hungarian violinist József B. Suha. “There are so many different...
Jo’Vante James known as J’versatile is an incredible artist and songwriter from Manning, South Carolina. J’versatile has been doing music for over 10 years after writing...
The Scotland-based singer-songwriter has released 3 versions of her latest single and video, “17.” With more than 50K Spotify streams and three international iTunes hits in...
Orion Paxx is a multi-talented independent artist from Miami. He is also 1 1/2 member of the hip-hop duo Bckgmn (Backgammon) with J. Sexton. From touring...
Singer-songwriter Ryan Clark is heading into new territory with his musical career with his 2022 debut “Made For Me.” LISTEN to “Made For Me” here. The...