In his new song, “Our Secret,” Self-Made Davion creates a romantic and sexy R&B track about a hidden love story. The song captures the excitement of...
Kyle Knight’s single “Don’t Change,” featuring 33AD, is a compelling blend of meaningful lyricism and captivating beats within the mainstream hip-hop genre. Produced by Chris Killebrew...
The new artist The Swift Kicks Verano, previously known as AUPRINCE, has released a powerful first song called “Back on Road Alone.” This song explores love,...
It’s rare to hear an artist so willing to lean into raw vulnerability. FARI’s anthemic single “In Knots” stirs a breathtaking exploration into the messiness of...
Really Rhubarb’s new song, “To Anyone Who’s Lost,” is like a warm, heartfelt message. The song makes you stop, think, and take a deep breath. The...
“Lucky Ones” by Brett Matthews delivers a soul-stirring reminder of the beauty in our connections. Right from the opening chords, the audience is enveloped in an...
Rick and Sarah Blasi‘s new song, “Broken & Frozen,” combines Contemporary R&B and Urban Pop in a way that has garnered significant attention. Critics have labeled...
Mathes‘s new single, “PEOPLE, PLACES & THINGS,” was available on August 16th through Vydia. This single features fast-paced, hyper-lyrical content, rich R&B vocals, and catchy pop...
The artistic inclination of Child of SP’s most recent single, “Halo,” hits like a sonic revelation that boldly delves into the intricate social masks of human...
Born in New Jersey, Dorian has made a notable return to the spotlight with the new single “Reconnected,” a journey into a fresh sonic realm driven...