PlayStation gamers likely hold Naughty Dog’s Uncharted franchise close to the heart, and for good reason. The four-game series, which follows the globetrotting adventures of Nathan Drake, Victor...
In her exclusive interview with Adam22 for No Jumper, supermodel Amber Rose talked about her former boyfriend Kanye West and his support of President Trump in...
Busta Rhymes will be participating in the next season of Verzuz but who he’ll be facing off against remains a mystery. This week, the rap legend...
For those who don’t know, Nigerians are currently embroiled in a protest against the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, or SARS, a unit that has been criticized for using...
Baker Mayfield has received a ton of criticism during his short career in the NFL. As a member of the Cleveland Browns, Mayfield has yet to...
Following the release of the “Always Forever” video, Kehlani felt compelled to explain her previous comments about her collaborator Bryson Tiller. In the video, the two get...
In many eyes, LeBron James and Rich Paul are two of the most powerful men in the NBA. Of course, Paul is LeBron’s agent, and together,...
The Weeknd has established himself as a mastermind of music videos. This year alone, he has taken over as his After Hours visuals have proven to...
Though the year hasn’t wrapped up quite yet, it’s hard to argue that the Griselda trifecta has made a lasting impression. Westside Gunn’s Pray For Paris, Flygod...
Generally, artists will wait until midnight to release their new music but Jack Harlow didn’t feel like waiting, so he dropped his new music video for...