Bro Brocean is a NorCal-based band that performs a wide range of genres most easily summed up as “island jazz pop with a punk edge.” The group...
In the midst of the catastrophe that was the Summer of 2021, Recess Villains was formed. The Los-Angeles based hip hop group consists of “goth-pop” artist...
2021-22 has been the year of the Jay…Jay Elle, that is! In August, Jay released his hot new record, “Ride The Wave,” which includes two international...
Tell us a little more about when you first got into music? I’ve loved music ever since I can remember. I grew up in a very...
Who Is RedRumKass RedRumKass is an independent artist from Trenton New Jersey United States. with a Crazy sound and an outstanding following, his music speaks for...
Hey Spitter, Thanks for coming to Honk Magazine to talk about your music career. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?...
Who Is Bradley Denniston? Bradley Denniston is a platinum-selling music producer, singer, engineer, composer, and multi-instrumentalist based out of Los Angeles California. He has worked...
Who Is Realrouzy Realrouzy born and raised in Moscow, lives there to this day. He has his respected and beloved family – mom, dad and older...
Who Is Hearbrake Papi? HEARTBREAK PAPI is an American artist from the city of Camden, NJ. He began his career in 2017 with his debut R&B...
Born in Alexandria, Louisiana. Waynewood is a vocalist, producer, guitarist, writer, and engineer. Waynewood is a mysterious artist and doesn’t show his face but it’s easy...