Drew Indigo, an artist of exceptional talent from the United States, has unveiled his latest Hip-hop/Rap single, “Missing Peace,” featuring the soulful vocals of Alexcis. This...
Swiss rock virtuoso Manuel K, known for his prowess in Nextmile fame, storms the music stage triumphantly with his latest single, “The Wave.” This track, a...
Alexey Sobolev, the mastermind behind Crazy Owl, proves he’s a force to be reckoned with in the music scene with his latest Pop-EDM single, “Miss You.”...
Danny DeGennaro’s most recent R&B/soul single, “Soul Searching,” is a musical marvel that transcends the boundaries of genre. Through this masterpiece, DeGennaro, featuring Cintron, and The...
Today, we are excited to share the Best Song of 2023 so far Vol.2, a symphony of sounds from talented artists hailing from different parts of...
Livvy D, the rising star from rural Virginia, dazzles with her latest masterpiece, “Take A Number – CLUB REMIX.” The track, a genre-defying blend of Hip-hop/Rap...
RoodiiRoo, an exceptionally talented US artist, has unveiled his latest single, “Made.” This captivating blend of creativity effortlessly melds classic Pop with the rhythmic allure of...
Jamaica’s musical virtuoso, Susiy, unveils her latest sonic masterpiece, “Merkabah-Starseed Version,” transcending the boundaries of Reggae-Pop. A celestial voyage awaits as Susiy skillfully intertwines inter-dimensional soul...
In this touching exploration of creativity, Lakista Chance, the versatile artist, has skillfully weaved a beautiful Afro-Pop masterpiece, “Load,” which effortlessly fuses Afrobeat and Congolese melodies....
Glasgow-based duo EMPTY MACHINES unveils their latest sonic creation, “Velvet Sky,” a Rock-Pop single that transcends musical boundaries. On December 15th, Empty Machines released a new...