Miles East’s latest pop-rock single “Better Than Here,” which dropped on October 17, 2023, is a big milestone for his music career. This tune shows how East...
ELLA LOCKERT is an 18-year-old alt-pop prodigy who just delivered her new single, “Whisper All My Secrets,” on October 27, 2023. This revolutionary piece shows a...
Amorous singer-songwriter Etham has again shaken up the music industry with an entrancing melodic jewel on his new single “Put You First,” in alliance with a...
The virtual diva PRIZ EM, known for scaling hurdles, has left the music world elated with her most recent rock single, “First Kiss,” delivered on October...
If a single seismic force can ignite your inner rock enthusiast, SOLAR FLARE SUNSET’s most recent single, “Pull Me Down,” is the one. This melody is...
At just 13 years of age, CARSON FERRIS is turning into a prodigious name to watch out for in the music industry. His most recent single,...
The music world has recently been gifted with a new and dazzling gem composed by KETE BOWERS, the expert of melancholic narrating through music. On May...
DAVVN, the dynamic duo whose name exemplifies the sorcery of dawn’s bittersweet hours behind the charming melodies of your alt-rock dreams, delivered their most recent offering,...
This rising force has resoundingly conveyed a statement to the rock-metal scene, ready to mesmerize audiences with its dazzling melodies that bridge the gap between classic...
Get ready for a fabulous ride of exuberant punk-pop melodies as JUMP JUMP JOAN. Formed in the summer of 2023, the band is forthwith making their...