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Exclusive Interview With Music Therapist and Singer Elle McAndrews

Elle McAndrews is a Canadian musician, songwriter, and Music therapist. She is a classically trained musician and professional music therapist who approaches her craft from a profoundly authentic and tender disposition.

We had a chance to talk about her background, career path, and influences in the music industry.


If you aren’t familiar with her Read on…

1. Hello, Elle Mcpeaches Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

Elle Mcpeaches– I grew up on a farm outside of Calgary, Alberta, in Canada. I was homeschool and studied classical piano for most of my life. I did end up finishing high school at a catholic school in the city because I wanted ‘normal’ graduation. I went on to obtain a Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in classical piano, and a few years later a Bachelor of Music Therapy from Capilano University in Vancouver, British Columbia. Music has always been my solace, my joy, my muse. I was singing in my car seat at 12 months and haven’t stopped! Over the last 8 years, I have focused on my songwriting and making connections in the industry. In 2019, I won the Original Music Showcase top prize in Calgary, and this allowed me to start my debut EP project.


2. Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started this career?

Elle Mcpeaches- I believe that when we put things out to the universe, it will answer. That’s how I met Samantha Selci who ended up being the producer for the ‘Hanging By a Thread’ EP. We actually met on the street outside a club on a cold November night in 2018 and became fast friends. Since then, I’ve made many other important connections stemming from the one with Selci.


3. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that? 

Elle Mcpeaches– I pride myself in being able to fake my way through the nerves when I perform in front of people. In October 2020 at my debut show, in front of 88 physically distanced people in a church, I had two false starts because my piano had automatically powered down from soundcheck. All I could do was laugh it off and dive right into the first song of the night. Showing that you don’t take yourself too seriously is really important.


4. What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?

Elle Mcpeaches- I recently just finished working on a track with UK producer Josh Northwood called ‘The Honey Trees’ slated for release on all platforms on May 28th. Josh found me on Instagram and after having several zoom chats, we decided that the fit was great and we would begin working together. I wrote the song with chord progression and lyrics, and Josh cooked up a beautifully atmospheric track to accompany. It was a great experience working remotely. Things took some time because of the time difference but we managed to get the song ready for release in 3.5 months. I am also working on a dance song with producer Adam Caines to bring the people something to dance in their homes, parks, or anywhere too! It’s called ‘Let the People Dance’ and is a modern-day, neon-lit anthem for our time. The song is meant to bring the people together through music and dance and the video will feature a local cast of dancers.


5. Who are some of the most interesting people you have interacted with? What was that like? Do you have any stories? 

Elle Mcpeaches- I am pleased to know a woman named Marlo Brauss. She is the warrior behind Barre Body (@barrebodystudio) who had to close both her thriving Barre studio locations during the pandemic and move to an online platform. It was heartbreaking to see, but Marlo has been a pillar of strength for her community and through showing her vulnerabilities, has shown up and encouraged others to keep pushing forward. Exercise is so important to me as a singer, and Marlo’s classes are lit!


Another incredible woman I work with is my voice coach Carol-Lynne Quinn (@cqvoice) out of Vancouver. Her years of experience studying and learning, as well as working with some of the top artists in Canada and the US, have turned her into an absolute powerhouse! Through following her 30-day vocal workouts, I have noticed my voice changing – in a good way!

6. Which tips would you recommend to your colleagues in your industry to help them to thrive and not “burn out”? 


Elle Mcpeaches- Singers: drink lots of water, try not to smoke, eat your veggies and get sleep! Musicians, take time for yourself to create even if it doesn’t turn into anything. If you are focusing all your energy on a diehard goal, you might be forgetting to play and have fun with the process.

7. You have been blessed with success in a career path that can be challenging. Do you have any words of advice for others who may want to embark on this career path, but seem daunted by the prospect of failure?


Elle Mcpeaches- Failure in the process is inevitable. You will get doors slammed in your face (not literally) and you will realize that not everyone in the industry is there to support you. Find a tribe of people that will challenge you, but also be encouraging to you. Whatever you do, don’t give up. Be bold! I emailed a big-time producer the other day out of the blue and he wrote me back personally to schedule a meet and greet over Facetime. Keep writing, and keep creating because it’s a muscle that needs to be exercised.

8. Can you share with our readers any self-care routines, practices, or treatments that you do to help your body, mind, or heart to thrive? Kindly share a story or an example for each.


Elle Mcpeaches- When I wake up in the morning, I get on the mat and do a simple yoga/stretching routine, I do neck mobility exercises and I massage my jaw and face. I also try to do the Wim Hoff breathing exercises before I have my coffee. Sometimes it gives me so much energy I don’t need a coffee! I dry brush my body before I take a cool shower.

Once per month, I go for my Buccal face massage from Samantha Schneider @showmewhatyoulove. Keeping the muscles in my face and jaw is very complimentary to my vocal health. I drink lots of water and eat foods that are rich in gel water (tons of cucumbers, tomatoes, and other veggies). Exercise is essential to my mental and physical well-being. I choose to spin on the bike and do a routine that includes lots of jump squats and jumping jacks, squats, lunges, and pushups.


9. What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each. 

Elle Mcpeaches:


1. stop comparing yourself.

2. the more you do this, the bigger the universe will open up to you.


3. not everyone will be your friend or support you, or like what you are doing and that’s ok.

4. There is no such thing as a late bloomer. You are where you need to be right now.


5. Trust your intuition and it will grow.

10. Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life? 


Elle Mcpeaches- You are going to wake up every day and see the same damn person in the mirror. You can dislike them, judge them, hate them, and want to change them from an unhealthy place. Or, you can change your attitude, seek truth, educate yourself, and make connections to people who love you for who you are. If you don’t like yourself, it’s going to be very hard for others to want to be around you. Adjusting your mindset is very important to achieving your goals.

11. None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that? 


Elle Mcpeaches- I am so grateful to my fellow musicians who helped me, in the beginning, to see the value in songwriting, and to my friend Yolanda Sargeant of @SargeantXComrade for believing in me and checking in on a regular basis, I want to thank my voice coaches David Wilson and Carol-Lynne Quinn for hearing a bigger voice inside me, and my mom for giving me the freedom to choose a career in music. She is my number one fan!

12. You are a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂 


Elle Mcpeaches- More than ever people are talking about mental health. This is such a good thing. I hope that we continue to normalize our dialogue around mental health. I want people to have greater access to therapies like Hypnotherapy and Guided Imagery in Music. I am also fascinated by the work being done with Psilocybin and PTSD. I want people to understand their deepest potential by tapping into their intuition. Listen to your gut. We have so many incredible tools to work with, we just have to dig deep to realize them.

13. We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He or she might see this. 🙂


Elle Mcpeaches- Oh my goodness I would just squirm with joy to be able to lunch with Lady Gaga. She is such an inspiration to people all over the world.

14 How can our readers follow you online?


Elle Mcpeaches– You can follow me on Instagram @mcpeaches and also check out my music via my website


Artist Spotlight

A Conversation with Singer Songwriter Eddy Mann

Eddy Mann is a smile for the soul. He’s a combination of cultural and spiritual traditions living in an ever evolving neighborhood. He’s ever comfortable in his hometown Philly roots that speak of peace, and brotherly love. An award winning and prolific singer-songwriter, he’s moved gracefully through a catalog of twenty diverse albums. His hit single, “The Consequence” was a Top 10 Christian Music Weekly radio hit.

His latest album, “Chapel Songs” featured the #1 UK ITunes hits, “Hallelujah” and “Hope of the World.”  His new album is out on June 7th, with the first single being released today.  Eddy took some time to answer some questions about his music, his career, and of course, his faith…


HM: Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your single “The Humble Cottage by the Sea”? What themes or messages do you hope listeners take away from it?

Eddy Mann: The inspiration came from a gospel story that presents a theme of healing and hope. In a world that’s broken and hurting, one can only pray that a message of peace and unity might be found within the spirit of the song.


“Turn Up the Divine” is your latest album set to release soon. How does this album differ from your previous work, both musically and thematically?

EM: The album is a collection of divine stories and prayer moments that have been put to song over the past year. They’re really just a reflection of my daily experiences. The musical influences are a little more diverse than usual, but that’s just what the songs were calling for.


Your music is known for blending cultural and spiritual influences. How do you navigate incorporating these elements into your songwriting process?

EM: I don’t consciously bring influences into a song, but what I’ve been exposed to naturally becomes a part of my fabric, and then it’s re-processed into my own creativity. I’ve had a very diverse upbringing and it probably shows throughout my catalog.


“The Consequence” was a Top 10 Christian Music Weekly radio hit. Could you share the story behind that song and its impact on your career?


EM: The Consequence was released in November of 2016 on election day. I wanted to make a statement about the apathy I was witnessing. Our system only works if everyone participates. Anything less than that doesn’t reflect honestly about who we are, and how we feel. It was my hope that I might bring a few more folks into the fray and that would help in the cause.

Both “Hope of the World” and “Hallelujah” from your album “Chapel Songs” topped the UK iTunes Christian chart. What do you think contributed to their success, and how do you plan to build on that with your new album?


EM: Both of those songs took a very simplified approach musically and lyrically. I was looking for an easily remembered melody with an easily remembered lyric, and both songs seem to reflect that it was successful on some level. I’m pleased that they’ve done as well as they have.

Your career spans over 20 albums. How do you keep your music fresh and relevant while staying true to your artistic vision?


EM: I’m a student by nature, I love learning new things and I think that helps to naturally put me in new situations where I can be surrounded with challenging thoughts and different soundscapes.

You mentioned that God often appears in humble settings, such as the cottage by the sea. How does this concept influence your approach to music and ministry?


EM: As a man of faith, I never wander anywhere on my own. What I mean is that my faith is always traveling along with me, usually leading the way, and yes, sometimes correcting my faulty navigation. It doesn’t matter where I might be, or what may be going on around me, my God is not influenced by the trappings of this world.


What can fans expect from “Turn Up the Divine” in terms of sound and lyrical content?

EM: Everything was written, performed, and produced in house, under the Spirit’s watchful eye, and with the blessing of the One. So the success of the project will be measured in it reaching each and everyone that God intends.


With the changing landscape of the music industry, how do you see Christian music evolving, and how do you position yourself within that evolution?

EM: I’ve reached an understanding that I just need to be an honest reflection of myself. I don’t feel restricted or restrained by what the business tells me I should be doing, about the how the mix should sound, or about what messages are deemed appropriate. What God wants is for me to speak, write, and record what the Spirit puts on my heart, and then he’ll use it to fulfill His purpose.  


What are your hopes and aspirations for your music career moving forward, especially with the release of your new album?

EM: I have no expectations anymore. I’ve been blessed to have produce an abundantly humble catalog. So I’ll just continue to follow the Spirit wherever it leads and be grateful.

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Tarantino’s Cinematic Empire, Unveiling the $120 Million Maestro of Hollywood in 2024

Quentin Tarantino

Tarantino’s Cinematic Empire, Unveiling the $120 Million Maestro of Hollywood in 2024



Renowned for his bold narratives and unique storytelling, Quentin Tarantino has become a cinematic legend, leaving an indelible mark on the film industry. As we step into 2024, the maestro’s net worth is a staggering $120 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth. Join us on a thrilling journey through Tarantino’s career, from his humble beginnings to the zenith of success, uncovering the milestones that have paved the way for his substantial wealth.

Tarantino’s love affair with cinema began in Los Angeles, where he nurtured his passion for storytelling while working at a video rental store. This early exposure laid the groundwork for his distinctive cinematic style, blending pop culture, dialogue-driven narratives, and a penchant for non-linear storytelling.


The turning point arrived with his debut film, “Reservoir Dogs” (1992). Despite controversies surrounding its violence, the crime thriller catapulted Tarantino into the spotlight, establishing him as a visionary director in Hollywood.

Post-“Reservoir Dogs,” Tarantino continued to make waves with critically acclaimed and commercially successful films like “Pulp Fiction” (1994), “Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2” (2003-2004), “Inglourious Basterds” (2009), and “Django Unchained” (2012). Each release not only garnered critical acclaim but also contributed significantly to Tarantino’s ever-growing net worth.


Venturing beyond filmmaking, Tarantino explored novels based on his films, directed theater adaptations, and made a mark in television by directing episodes of hit series like CSI and ER. Collaborations with major brands and merchandise associated with his films further boosted his income, creating a consistent stream of revenue.

Quentin Tarantino’s net worth is a testament to his enduring impact on the film industry. From humble beginnings fueled by a passion for cinema to groundbreaking directorial work, Tarantino has carved out a niche uniquely his own. As we witness the maestro’s influence in various mediums, one thing is certain – Quentin Tarantino’s legacy is not just in Hollywood history but also reflected in his substantial net worth. Join us in celebrating the $120 million maestro who continues to redefine cinematic brilliance!

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