Tiri The Seed expertly blends vintage musical elements with contemporary production techniques in “Back In The Room.” This track pulsates with a retro vibe, yet maintains...
Janiq‘s latest single, “Dior,” showcases a masterful blend of confidence and smooth sonic energy, drawing listeners into a realm of auditory luxury. The track encapsulates the...
Trav Torch is again with any other sultry R&B anthem, and this time, it’s given late-night time cravings written all over it. “She’s Calling Me” is...
Adrie’s thought-provoking vibe, “Bring Back the Light,” establishes a sonically vivid kaleidoscope that encapsulates vitality and skillfully merges energetic Afrobeat rhythms and funk-oriented guitar melodies with...
Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter Katie Curley brings a fresh glow to the holiday season with her new EP, “Big Colored Lights.” This spellbinding collection comprises seven original tracks...
In “I Just Want You” by Kina, the 24-year-old Naples-born lo-fi pop maestro behind the platinum hit “Get You The Moon,” featuring Trevor Daniel, crafts a...
“The Tide,” John Doherty’s latest single, exemplifies a masterstroke of heartfelt storytelling and evocative soundscapes. The Irish singer-songwriter, renowned for his soulful vocal delivery, effectively merges...
Clay and Kelsy, the innovative pair at the forefront of Los Angeles’ indie music scene, present their latest project: the emotionally charged and sonically intricate EP,...
At the heart of “Counterfeit” is a tale of love manipulated for selfish purposes, yet still feels captivating. Sadie Brown’s new single “Counterfeit” invites listeners into...
The newest single by Tom Minor, entitled “Is Everything Okay?” presents a compelling fusion of introspective lyrics and vibrant soundscapes, establishing a unique intersection where self-reflection...