Mister Lamzo’s “BELGOPHILIE” is a groundbreaking release that shows the power of music. It’s a superb display of music, that shows the levels of being an...
Jay Griffy drops his new single titled “Pound Town”. A flawless exciting body of work is what you from Jay Griffy on their new song “Pound...
Artist born in Italy in 1986, Jamie Sanchez is a man with multiple and diverse influences. Italian-American by his father, Spanish-Algerian by his mother, he shared...
Jordan Berri’s “Money Talks” is a special piece of music that makes you appreciate hearing music again. He approaches his music with the ultimate focus and...
Sauce Session makes a musical work of art on the new song “Power On”. This record gives you so many reasons to enjoy it, that it’s...
Lyre le temps’s “Dump you” is a high-level appeal, and supreme artistry to make a must-hear hit. Every element plays its part to the fullest to...
Bronx-native Bobby-G has honed his craft for the better part of a decade with an unwavering passion for making music and telling his origin story. Starting...
Nishan S brings must hear creativity and high-class rhyming on the new song “Dance Dance”. Nishan S is daring in his approach and it pays off...
18 years old Canadian singer Maxyme is still on the big musical industry chessboard and is back with a new single called Toxic Boy. Maxyme’s Toxic...
Peter Lake delivers a must-hear record you can feel on the new song “We Got That ”. The production brings a smooth sound that has a...